Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Best hair color product for dying brown/black hair to blond?

dont do it dark and natural is much nicer

Best hair color product for dying brown/black hair to blond?

if you're doing something that drastic, id go to the hairdresser.

Best hair color product for dying brown/black hair to blond?


Best hair color product for dying brown/black hair to blond?

go to a salon!!!

Best hair color product for dying brown/black hair to blond?

Go to the salon they will have to strip it 1st then color it to blonde.

Best hair color product for dying brown/black hair to blond?

Whatever your hair dresser is using! Sorry but, for such a drastic change, I would be inclined to visit a professional hair colourist who knows precisely what they are doing. This is doubley true if this is the first time you're colouring your hair. I have medium brown hair and when I tried to turn myself blonde, I wrecked my hair for about the next two years. Not fun!

If you're determined to go it alone, I quite like the Schwartzkopf (sp?) range of hair dyes, but I only dye my hair reddish these days so couldn't say for lightening. Sorry!

Best hair color product for dying brown/black hair to blond?

If you are making that drastic of a change you should go to a professional...don't risk doing it yourself, you'll just end up with orange hair.

Best hair color product for dying brown/black hair to blond?

Go and get your hairdresser to do it. If you use store bought dye it will turn it orange or yellow.

Best hair color product for dying brown/black hair to blond?

If your hair is naturally brown/black the only way really is to use bleach. Hair dye can only lift so many levels of hair color. I would recommend going to the salon for this and also ask for a deep conditioner. You should also buy some leave in conditioner to use daily. Bleach will kill your hair if not taken care of properly.

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