Thursday, October 8, 2009

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

I ask this because i have never seen anyone with actual blond hair and have dark color eyes...

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

Yes it is I have natural blond hair and very dark brown eyes, my hair remained platinum blond until I was aged about 8, then it changed colour to the blond it is today, I much prefer the colour now.

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

is possible but a bit unusual

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

Yes, of course. Eye color and hair color are carried by different genes. You need two recessive blond genes to have blond hair, and only one dominant gene to have dark eyes. I assume you know the very basics of genetics.... ;)

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?


Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

Yes i remember thinking this was impossible but it isn't because the two genes are not completely linked.. I used to know a little girl with dark brown eyes and very blonde hair, although she was young so I thought maybe her hair would darken up later

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

It's Possible! I have seen so many people! Well if you say it on the streets of town or something you know it could be color contacts

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?


Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

Yes. I have known people with blond hair who have brown eyes. Likewise, I have 2 first cousins who have dark brown hair and the most stunning big blue eyes I have ever seen.

As best as I can recall from Biology classes, the reason blond hair people typically have blue eyes, aside from the fact that is how it got passed down, is because the 2 genes are located close to each other on the DNA strand. That does not completely explain it, but the explanation is TOO long and involved to get into on here.

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

I'll introduce you to the entire Polish/German half of my family. We all have brown or hazel brown eyes and naturally blonde hair. It's because our ancestors intermingled with the Swedes and the Russians, giving us that wonderful mix of light and dark.

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

Yes! My husband had dark brown eyes and blond hair most of his childhood. It turned darker as he aged and then his eyes turned dark steel gray instead of brown.

I knew a girl from a family of seven kids where four of them had brown eyes (not hazel) and blond hair.

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

Yes, my paternal grandmother, my dad, and both his brothers were towheaded with brown eyes as small children, although their hair turned dark brown as they grew older.

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

As a professional genealogist (member: APGEN) I've made a study of the people who were termed "mulatto's" in Halifax County Virginia in the late 1700s and early 1800s. In fact, some of them are in my family line. The records from early Halifax make mention many times of "blue-eyed negroes" and "afro-haired whites" and etc. So it does happen. Myself, I'm quite "nordic" in appearance as I'm tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed and fair-skinned. Yet, there is a great deal of "mulatto" blood in my direct paternal line! My great-great grandfather was listed as a "mulatto" in the Halifax records. DNA works in strange ways as it worms its way out to the various branches in a family line. But here's something that will make you think. A photograph taken of a "mulatto" family in Halifax in the mid-1800s showed me something that blew my mind. It was of a mother and her two grown children. The mother was obviously very African in her features. Her hair was classic "afro" and her skin very dark. Her daughter was almost a duplicate of her. The son? He was VERY white-skinned, light-haired and tall! Looked like he was from Norway!

Like I said: hereditary genetics do their thing in surprising ways.

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?


Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

Sure, i have a friend

Possible to have brown or black eyes and have real blond hair?

Yes, I very often see that combination, but more often is brown hair, with hazel or blue eyes.

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