My hair is long,for religiouse reasons I do NOT believe in cutting my hair.I am a strong christian,%26amp; I never have anymore split ends,I prayed,very strong for God to help me with growing my hair.My hair is down to my waist now,I only trim 1/2 inch off every year ! and I use Pantene Shampoo and Pantene Conditioner,and Infusium 23 Shampoo,Infusium 23 Hair conditioner IS NOT AS MOIST AS PANTENES CONDITIONER FOR DRY HAIR ! I plan on letting my hair grow past my feet and even longer.
P.S.Does anyone have some funny clean old beauty shop jokes ? send them my way.
What cap size do I use to frost or color my hair Blond ? %26amp; what do I buy at Sallys Beauty Supply To Do this ?
Do not use a cap. Your hair is WAY too long. It is going to hurt like hell! You have to pull the hair through the cap and since your hair is long, you will not know exactly where the hair is coming from. My recommendation is to paint the bleach onto strands of your hair at random. That way you will know where you are putting them and you will be able to control the effect that you want.
As far as supplies, unless you have a license or are in cosmetology school, you will probably not be able to purchase bleach. If you are able to, purchase a mid-priced bleach powder and the corresponding developer. I recommend a 15 or 20 volume developer. I think Sally's has Matrix ColorGraphics hiliting system. If they do, try that. It has a toner in it so that your highlites will not be brassy looking. If you are able to purchase it, email me at and I will tell you exactly how to use it. Good luck!
What cap size do I use to frost or color my hair Blond ? %26amp; what do I buy at Sallys Beauty Supply To Do this ?
If you hair is that long I suggest you dont dye it, dying hair only causes breakage in the long run. My hair is that long and I dont dye it or put perms in it...only cause damage that shampoo and conditioner wont fix
What cap size do I use to frost or color my hair Blond ? %26amp; what do I buy at Sallys Beauty Supply To Do this ?
There aren't any cap size fits all. It will get looser after some of the hair is pulled through the cap. This may take a very long time to pull through. If you do get it all through, be very careful as to not get color into the holes, or you will have bleeding spots. They will be very hard to cover up if you get them.
I would suggest going to a salon that specializes in color foiling your long hair. Cosmetologist =o)
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